Cover Reveal: Amanda Moonstone: The Missing Prince

SheenahArchive, Cover Reveal1 Comment

We’re happy to announce that our first novel from Dan Wright will be released on February 24, 2014! It’s been an interesting journey, full of magic and mayhem, and we can’t wait to release it to the world! We have a few books that will be up for pre-order very soon, this one included, so keep an eye out for a blog post about where to pre-order all of our upcoming books!

If you like Disney, Pixar, and a dash of anime adventure in your fantasies, then this book is going to be for you.

Official Blurb:
One mistake can haunt a person forever and no one knows that more than Amanda Moonstone. In a time when people shun and fear magic, Amanda chooses to practice it. Her powers stem from the Dragon gems–mysterious jewels that allow her to manipulate and wield various elements. And one of them—the Blood gem—is the most powerful of them all and comes with a high price.

After losing everything, Amanda stumbles across a lost boy, who happens to be a Prince, of whom there is a large reward for his safe return. His reward will solve everything. But will it? Or is there more to life than just magic and money?

Without further ado, here’s the cover art. Artwork was done by Kirsten Moody a.k.a. Snow the Wanderer.

Amanda Moonstone: The Missing Prince by Dan Wright

One Comment on “Cover Reveal: Amanda Moonstone: The Missing Prince”

  1. Pingback: 50 Shades of Chocolate and Snow. | Morgan Straughan Comnick

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